Let us introduce you to the wonder oil – Kalahari Watermelon Seed Oil
I am always in search of natural oils to support the Vegan Curls range. One oil that has caught my attention is the wonder oil – watermelon seed oil. This oil extracted from the Kalahari melon seeds in Southern Africa is so full of goodness for both your skin and hair. After the seeds have been dried out by the intense African sun they are then pressed for their valuable oil.
This oil has been used to protect the skin from the sun as a moisturiser, in soaps, and to promote healthy, new hair growth. The ground seeds have also been used as a face and body scrub, which is believed to promote clear skin.
If you have dry skin then this light oil is deeply hydrating. Its Omega 6 fatty acids stimulate skin cell growth, helping to regenerate and restructure skin cells to keep your skin feel supple and firm.
It is one of the few sources of Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids. They play the vital role of repairing skin damage, scars and stimulate cell growth for vibrant, glowing skin.
Watermelon seed contains a good amount of Vitamin E so is great at reducing and removing dark circles around the eyes. It does this by eliminating dark circles by fighting free radical damage and promoting blood circulation to the area. Dab two drops of watermelon seed oil under the eyes every night before you go to sleep.

If you want to try a natural facial cleanser then massage a few drops of this oil into you face and use a warm wet muslin cloth to gently remove the oil in circular upward motions. The power in this oil is the linolenic acid (50-70%) which may help remove excess sebum on your face and unclog pores.
The seeds can eaten as a snack or roasted or ground into a meal. A great source of protein, they make up 35%, and there are also vitamins C, B2, G, riboflavin, minerals and carbohydrates. Its anti flammatory qualities make them useful after a skin break out. It has pore unclogging abilities for acne prone, oilier skin types, and its moisturising properties for drier skin types.
It is great to revitalise your hair by mixing around ten drops into your shampoo and conditioner for an added hit of vitality for your hair.
If you prefer a non-greasy massage oil then this melon seed oil is just the ticket. It is great for sensitive skin and massaging babies.
So whether you eat it or use it in oil form this Kalahair seed oil is great for all skin types and very versatile.